
Contact Information

Eastern Ontario Septic
Cell: 613-601-3651

What is involved

Inside cursory review: Where readily visible, this checks that no non sewage plumbing appliances are discharging into the septic system. Unnecessary hydraulic loading and questionable chemistry can cause premature failure of the system

Review of the external conditions: Proximity of well, contours of leaching bed, nature of surface are all reviewed as part of the septic system inspection

Review of the septic tank: The inspection evaluates the presence and condition of internal baffles and fluid levels. Where visible, the condition of the tank is assessed and signs of distress noted.

Review of the leaching field: Overall surface profile is reviewed. Inspection pits are dug into leaching field to review for presence of impermeable biomat, and identification of the profile of the bed. Evaluation of the overall hydraulic functionality based on sampling.

Report: A digital report complete with picture is emailed within 24 hours of the inspection.

The septic system inspection usually takes between 2 and 4 hours to perfom. However, depinding on conditions, it can take longer.

Limitations of the Septic System Inspection

Due to potential variability of soils below the surface, the inspection is based on sampling. It would not be practical or prudent to totally dig up a leaching bed, just to confirm it is operating properly. The septic system inspection does not attempt to quantify the effectiveness of bacterial decomposition, nor extent of progressive failure that all beds are subject to. It does not include any plumbing inside the home, nor water quality evaluation, nor well capacities / recharge rates, nor potential environmental concerns. No verification of design or flow rates are done as part of the visual septic system inspection.

Septic systems are highly user dependant. As such, the inspection of the system is based on the conditions as they are on the day of the inspection. In all systems that are not entirely visible, risk can not be eliminated, just reduced. This is not a warranty or a guarantee.